Sweden has officially recognized sex as a sport and finalized preparations for the inaugural sex tournament, set to commence on Thursday, June 8.
Participants in the sex tournament will engage in daily sexual encounters that can span up to six hours.
According to Swedish local media, a panel of judges will determine the winners of the sex competition, while the audience will also contribute their opinions and analyses to the selection process.
The European Sex Championship, scheduled for June 8, will extend over a period of six weeks, during which participants will partake in sexual activity on a daily basis for durations ranging from 45 minutes to one hour, depending on the length of their bouts.
The report states that the competition consists of three levels, and contestants must achieve a specific minimum number of points at each level in order to advance.
Contestants in the sex tournament have the opportunity to earn between 5 and 10 points in each discipline, with the scoring determined through a combination of public votes and evaluation by a panel of five judges.
According to the report on Opindia.com, the audience will observe the sex competitions and take note of various aspects of the sexual activity. Factors such as the chemistry between the couple, their understanding of sex, their endurance level, and other important sexual attributes will all be considered in determining the ultimate winner.
Dragan Bratych, the head of the Swedish Federation of Sex, expressed his hope that sex would eventually be recognized as a sport worldwide. He highlighted the value of education and the potential benefits of engaging in sexual activity for one’s physical and mental well-being.
“Just like any sport, achieving desired results in sex requires training,” he stated, suggesting that competition in this realm will inevitably develop.
Bratych emphasized the unique aspects of this sport, where the objective is to bring extreme happiness to one’s partner. He added that the competitor’s ability to satisfy their partner is the key determinant of success in this game, in contrast to traditional sports where losing often leads to disappointment.
We wonder if bookies like Betway or Hollywoodbets will be pricing this up!?
End time at play. These was what led to the destruction of Sodom, these generation deserve a plague from God.
Oh fu@ck off! Everything as been an end of times sign for the past 2000 years. Just live the life you got in peace, and stop being a pain in the ass for others. Nobody cares about your imaginary friend and his oppinion…
Bro please where have dumped your sense of morality, why you being so after your egoistic tendency? I hope you know your know your future from where you are?
Is sex also a subject to be tought at School
These indeed are signs of the end time.
May God have mercy on our generation.
C’est déjà predis…pourquoi prendre seulementle sexe mon Dieu.
[It’s already predicted… why only take sex my God.]
Lol! Very soon, Sex World Cup .
Thing wey supposed to be private don turn public. Lord have mercy.
Omohh there’s nothing we will not see
C’est la fin de temps, Satan est maintenant au contrôle de l’humanité.
[It is the end of time, Satan is now in control of mankind.]
You people are stupid first is gay video private now it as turn worldwide in Sweden this does not make sense.
Lord have mercy
Holala! Que Dieu ait pitié de vous, vous êtes malade mais vous ne vous rendez pas compte! Je vous plains, que le Dieu d’abraham, d’Isac et de Jacob vous sort dans ce trou où vous vous êtes enfoncé avant que malheur puisse vous abattre comme dans le temps de sodome et Gomorrhe
[Whoa! May God have mercy on you, you are sick but you do not realize! I pity you, may the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob take you out of this hole where you sank before misfortune could bring you down like in the time of Sodom and Gomorrah.]
U re maud
Jésus Christ revien bientôt
Bravo à toi!!
[Well done!!]
What happened to Brazil was small, this new decision to demonize Sweden will interface with God’s anger very soon. I pray that you not delay in your anger, please!
Dieu est au contrôle, ils vont tous mourir. Est-ce qu’ils ont vue ces qui c’est passer au brazil ?
[God is in control, they are all going to die. Have they seen what happened in Brazil?]
J’ignore où va ce monde !!! Les occidents ont tout détruit. La fin est pour bientôt.
[I don’t know where this world is going!!! The West has destroyed everything. The end is coming soon]
This is disguesting an highly disappointed in Sweden government, what is european governmen said about it?
this is good to competition of sex as it sports as other
Comme c’est quelque chose de bon pour vous ,allez y vous inscrire et vous verrez quelle sera la suite.
[As it’s something good for you, go sign up and you’ll see what’s next.]
how to apply this turnament of sex competition?
Combat sexuel. Le sexe est sacré. Mais il devient saccadé. Dieu voit tout. Tous les sports permis mais je refuse le sexe. Mais Dieu sait il agit déjà et il va pas manquer d’agir.
[Sex fight. Sex is sacred. But it gets jerky. God sees everything. All sports allowed but I refuse sex. But God knows He is already acting and He will not fail to act. ]
Heeee le monde le sexe non non non
[Heeee the world sex no no no]
God take control
End of the life
This is worse than the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. I wonder what kind of judgement God is going to pour on Sweden and those who participate and support this
Thats TRUE, I support you, bro.
Le monde est à sa fin. Même la nature ne nous enseigne t-elle pas?
[The world is at its end. Doesn’t even nature teach us?]
Le temps est fini.Que chacun se tourne vers son Dieu
[The time is over. Let everyone turn to their God]
La fin est là ,le monde aime maintenant plus de plaisir que la parole de Dieu.
[The end is here, the world now loves more pleasure than the word of God.]
This is bad please..
Les signes du temps de la fin, préparons nous et allons à sa rencontre, que Dieu nous aide à bien se préparer et qu’il nous fortifie. Maranatha !
[The signs of the time of the end, let us prepare and go to meet Him, that God helps us to prepare well and that He strengthens us. Maranatha!]
C’est vrai.
Quand je lisais ça je me disais pendant qu’ils vont commencer à jouer que ce que le créateur fera pour manifester qu’on ne doit pas se faire le luxe de se moquer de lui jusqu’à ce niveau.
Alors ma prière est que le sport soit lancé mais que Dieu fasse quelque chose qui prouvera au monde que la créature ne peut jamais s’opposer à son créateur.J’ai vraiment pitié aux premiers compétiteurs.
Ce sont des candidats à la perdition éternelle.
[It’s true.
When I read that I thought to myself while they are going to start playing that what the creator will do to show that we should not have the luxury of making fun of him to this level.
So my prayer is that the sport will be launched but that God will do something that will prove to the world that the creature can never oppose its creator. I really pity the first competitors.
They are candidates for eternal perdition.]
Stupid people always do what is stupid and think it was good for others, but it is not!!!
La Sodomie, au Brésil ont fait des confessions après avoir été frappé par Dieu.
[Sodomy, Brazil made confessions after being smitten by God.]
The country that legalized sex as the rod of shall soon Smith them in a hurry .Wait and see what God is about to do in that country . God promise is Sure . The should wait and see God handwriting on them .
So, this means people do not have any more things to add as sports and it’s becoming “no more value” hereinafter. Sex is there to have a strong bond between couples and for reproduction. Not to bring to an open Panel, make it undervalued and not to make fun out of it. Sex is a very beautiful thing if you us it in a good manner. Please the concerned people open your eyes. Stop these dirty marketings.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ce dingue ça
[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. That crazy]
Ce qui signifie que les Histoire bibliques sont une trage-comedie,pour quoi les tels blague à mr l’ Éternel,mais à l instant il est peut-être endormis. Mourez avec vos p’tit competition là chez vous pas ici à l Egypte(Afrique).
[Which means that the Biblical Stories are a tragedy-comedy, why such joke to mr the Eternal, but at the moment he may be asleep. Die with your little competition there at home not here in Egypt (Africa)]
Sign of end time,I beseech you brethren in the name that above any other names, choose a holy life , don’t follow multitude to do evil, separate your self ,it be well with this generation
Je me demande si c’est sur un stade où en chambre clos?
[I wonder if it’s on a stadium or in a closed room?]
C’est de la prostitution, l’abommination au yeux de Dieu.
Vous prenez une telle decision, Dieu vous jugera tous, et tres dur… j
[It’s prostitution, abomination in the sight of God.
You make such a decision, God will judge you all, and very hard…]
Judge not 4u not 2_b judged..bt 1thing i knw is dat dia’s GOD..
Que Dieu pardonne la Suede à cause des innocents car elle connait pas la gravité de ce qu’elle fait .
[May God forgive Sweden because of the innocent because she does not know the seriousness of what she is doing.]
I don’t know were this world is going, Sweden if you do this Allah’s anger will visit you soon. truly what the Quran teaches us about the end time is what we seeing now today.
more than Animalistic life! The perpetrators shall wait for their destruction.
Let’s see what happens next
Bientôt la fin du monde arrive, la Satan nous conduit en enfer
[Soon the end of the world is coming, Satan is leading us to hell]
C’est une prophétie. Apocalypse 9: 17-21 ( Ils ne vont pas se repentir de cette impudicité).
.17Et ainsi je vis les chevaux dans la vision, et ceux qui les montaient, ayant des cuirasses couleur de feu, d’hyacinthe, et de soufre. Les têtes des chevaux étaient comme des têtes de lions; et de leurs bouches il sortait du feu, de la fumée, et du soufre.18Le tiers des hommes fut tué par ces trois fléaux, par le feu, par la fumée, et par le soufre, qui sortaient de leurs bouches.19Car le pouvoir des chevaux était dans leurs bouches et dans leurs queues; leurs queues étaient semblables à des serpents ayant des têtes, et c’est avec elles qu’ils faisaient du mal.20Les autres hommes qui ne furent pas tués par ces fléaux ne se repentirent pas des oeuvres de leurs mains, de manière à ne point adorer les démons, et les idoles d’or, d’argent, d’airain, de pierre et de bois, qui ne peuvent ni voir, ni entendre, ni marcher;21et ils ne se repentirent pas de leurs meurtres, ni de leurs enchantements, ni de leur impudicité ni de leurs vols.
[It is a prophecy. Revelation 9:17-21 (They will not repent of this fornication).
17And so I saw the horses in the vision, and those who rode them, having breastplates the color of fire, hyacinth, and brimstone. The heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone.18A third of the men were killed by these three plagues, by the fire, by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which came out of their mouths.19For power horses were in their mouths and in their tails; their tails were like serpents having heads, and with them they did evil. worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk;21And they did not repent of their murders, nor of their enchantments, neither from their fornication nor from their thefts.]
Y is Sweden are far from knowing that God is not man. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sweden president should ready for anything that happened.
I never believe that Devil can use Sweden up to this point. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sweden people should go and read thire bible it will be a shock to the world what will happen
Is so Sad a reputable sport platform like “Complete Sport” could spread fake news – Please take this news down from your website, Don’t spoil the reputation of Complete Sport with fake news.
If you guys like delete my message but I have played my role to keep the integrity of Complete Sport.
It is just another end time sign. Something terrible is going on among the western world unknown to them. While they are busy promoting gay, lesbianism, bisexual and other immorality, devil is sowing seed of self destruction and self detonate bomb.
If this sex sport is allow to see the light of the day in Sweden, trust me other nations of the world will do same.
Sometime too much of comfortability brings a man far away from his creator, if Sweden were to be Ukraine,Sudan and other war,hunger and insecurity ravage countries, they won’t be thinking of sex as a sport.
Sweden who told you that sex is a sport eh
I even saw some people asking how to sign up
While others are trying to put sense inside your head your still talking nonsense
I pity all of you
Those with sense please help me and tell them
Que Dieu punisse severement le gouvernement swedois
[Que Dieu punisse severement le gouvernement swedois]
L’heure est venue ou les elues ses racontre les prophete Branham là dit repenter vous carle royaume de Dieu et proche l’enlevement est proche tout tien a sa fin croyez en Branham l’homme de Kentucky tu seras enlever
[The time has come when the chosen ones meet the prophet Branham there says repent you because the kingdom of God is near the rapture is near everything yours has come to an end believe in Branham the man of Kentucky you will be kidnapped]
end time is here…. Sweden and Sodom
at the end it’s all death
I pray God have mercy upon us.
Il faut que ces choses arrivent pour que tout ce qui a été prédit contre l’humanité arrive.
Bonne chance et bonne continuité.
L’avenir nous le dira . Et le temps nous confirmera qui est réellement le roi de la terre.
[These things have to happen for everything that has been foretold against mankind to happen.
Good luck and good continuity.
The future will tell . And time will tell us who really is the king of the earth.]
” Je me demande pourquoi l’Europe oublié si facilement covid-19″
La mort par covid-19 vous a anéanti il y’a pas longtemps,vous présimez que Dieu ne voit rien, détrompez-vous.
Organisez le duel de sexe,et un autre fléau est sur le chemin,le signe clignotent bien.
[“I wonder why Europe so easily forgot covid-19″
Death by covid-19 wiped you out not long ago, you assume that God sees nothing, think again.
Arrange the sex duel, and another plague is on the way, the sign is flashing well]