NEW — Covid-19 Players Status
Now you can know, without leaving RealFevr, when players are unavailable due to the Coronavirus.
As you already know, we have the Player Status feature available at RealFevr for some time now. This functionality allows you to know, without leaving the our platform , if a player is unavailable, suspended, in doubt, injured or even in risk of being suspended for the next gameweek.
Taking into consideration the new normal and all the implications that the current pandemic situation brought to the fantasy leagues, we have developed a new player status that will join the others that you already know: the COVID-19 Player Status!
This disease regularly ends up interfering in the game, so this way you can know that a particular player will not be available since it tested positive to Coronavirus or was in direct contact with someone that did and should be isolated and quarantined.
COVID Status: The pink molecule indicates that the player was diagnosed with the Coronavirus or is quarantined and for that reason he/she will not be available to play. The message is clear, avoid the player and don’t keep him/her on your team.
This is the symbol you can find in the RealFevr platform:
You no longer need to open ten different sites looking for the information you need, as everything is properly flagged on your team and in the market. Now there are no excuses and you can’t say anymore that you didn’t know that a specific player had the Coronavirus. We are aware that only those who do not have a social life have time to know all these news in real time!
Last, but not least, let us remind you that, from now on, the Player Status feature is only available to those who subscribed the RealFevr Premium. If you have not done it yet or have no idea what we are talking about, read all about it in the article below.
RealFevr Premium: The beginning of a new era
Now take advantage of this additional information to score more points and overtake your friends. With the new COVID Player Status you will always be aware of who’s being hurt by the virus!
Good luck,
The RealFevr team
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NEW — Covid-19 Players Status was originally published in The Call-Up on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.