The Nigeria Association for Physical, Health Education, Recreation, Sports and Dance (NAPHER-SD) South West Region held its 2020 online conference between August 11th – August 13th, 2020 with the theme Paradigm shift in Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Sports Development initiatives in Nigeria during and post pandemic.
In a communique released after the conference, NAPHER-SD reinforced the theme and concluded that it is an important area of consideration amidst the global pandemic which has created unprecedented dynamics to the state of affairs in all spheres of life.
Also, it will enhance the growth of the sports industry with emphasis on human capital development and infrastructural sustainability towards a viable and vibrant economy in Nigeria whereby there should be a need for effective balancing of physical interaction with online teaching in Human Kinetics for holistic modern education towards attaining sports development sustainability amidst covid-19 with reference to the use of internet.
Based on the various presentations on the theme, recommendation were made on modalities for improving teaching Human Kinetics, enhancing health practices and developing sports initiatives in Nigeria during and post pandemic period thereby having qualitative capacity building of physical education teachers at all levels who should be inclined with modern technology and upgrade their knowledge in their areas of specialization cum create online presence and interaction.
Similarly, teachers and coaches must create the kind of experience derived from traditional physical education practical sessions through the use of modern technology while there should be more investment and strong collaboration between public and private organizations to conduct more researches in the area of exercise prescriptions that can improve the immune and respiratory systems during and post Covid-19 pandemic.