There are lots of people looking to start a business everyday but they do not know how to go about it. Truly, starting a business is not just about having the resources to start, rather it also entails having the right information about the business that will make it easy to start.
The same thing can be said about becoming a bet agent. There are so many people that wants to join the party but they are not well informed about how to go about it. In fact, for one to become a bet agent, there is a lot to be considered, one of the very important thing to look out for is the bookmaker brand that offers the best opportunity for a thriving business.
In Nigeria, BetKing stands as one of the very top brands to align business interest with as the platform offers a lot of benefits to agent business. It will be cool to be referred to as a Kingmakers as the brand’s agents are known. The brand treats their agents specially given their closeness to the bettors who are the kings.
To register as a BetKing agent (click here) is easy, all that a person needs to do is go to to fill out the application form and see all the requirements and benefits the platform offers.
For starters, business success is critical in an environment where over 70% of businesses started crumbles within the first two years of operation. Through, new agents are able to leverage on the experiences of established agents in a coaching-like arrangement to get all the support necessary for their businesses to succeed. They operate a network of support structures that makes things easier for new entrants.
Related: How To Become A BetKing Agent In Nigeria
The website itself is easy to navigate as it is simple and educative. All that is needed as investment is as low as N25,000. The brand will provide free equipment to get the new agent started with access to online customer support and complain resolution.
Agency business have the opportunity to make weekly as well as monthly bonuses and commission as high as 30%.
Once the registration form is filled out on, all that is needed is a wait for approval from the brand which does not take too long to come. If the application is approved, it is straight to business as the successful applicant is welcome into the fold of the illustrious kingmakers.
Africa betting market is a big market and Nigerian market particularly offers a lot of opportunity. With yearly betting revenue hitting the billion naira mark yearly, investors in the bet agency business surely have nothing to fear in terms of their return on investment as demand for betting services continue to rise among the people.
In conclusion, if you are looking at becoming a BetKing agent, the easiest way is to log on to and fill out the registration form for free. Then get ready for an exciting time running your agency business with one of the international bookmakers in town. Nothing beats this wonderful business opportunity.
Register as a Betking Agent here.
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