Claudio Ranieri: Boldly Taking the Field, Ignoring Any Advantage – What’s His Game Plan?
Claudio Ranieri, speaking from the frontlines of preparation ahead of tomorrow’s Europa League clash against Athletic Club, conveyed a resolute message: “We need to step onto the pitch and play our game without thinking about any advantage. If we enter the match with the mindset that a draw is acceptable, we may find ourselves on the losing side. We attack as a unit and defend as a unit.” When pressed about the significance of the upcoming fixture and whether it represents a turning point in their season, Ranieri replied philosophically, “We’ll only know how pivotal it is when we’re living it. I always urge the lads to forget the last match, irrespective of the result. What’s done is done; our focus is on tomorrow.” He indicated that while the previous match may be behind them, he has been diligently reviewing videos of Cagliari ahead of their encounter. “Whether it's a pivotal moment in the season doesn’t concern me," he stated, waving it off. On discussing the matchup itself, Ranieri was quick to remind that “each match is unique,” underlining the need to “play our game without fear.” He further emphasised the virtue of good coaching: “The skilled manager is one who makes the fewest mistakes, and our strength lies in our players. I’m fortunate they follow my lead and are exceptionally talented. If I err, they understand it’s always with good intentions. Moreover, having five players who deserve a starting spot yet don’t is a nice dilemma to have.” - Resource: "https://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/sport/calcio/2025/03/12/e.league-ranieri-in-campo-senza-paura-non-penso-al-vantaggio_c8fac7a3-dd9f-48be-b78d-661d102c9e07.html