Indomitable Lions of Cameroon legendary striker Patrick MBoma converted to Islam last Friday at the Bonamosadi mosque in Douala.
Following his conversion, he is now known as Abdoul Djalil Mboma.
A video circulating on social media, showed Mboma taking the shahada at the Bonamosadi mosque in Douala.
He posted a new photo on his Instagram account about an hour after the video went viral.
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He had previously posted on social media a greeting to the Muslim community on the occasion of Ramadan.
The 51-year-old Mboma, is the former Cameroonian national team’s all-time leading scorer.
Before retiring on May 16, 2005, he played for Châteauroux, Paris Saint-Germain, Metz, Gamba Osaka, Cagliari, Parma, Sunderland, Al-Ittihad, Tokyo Verdy, and Vissel Kobe.
He competed in the 1998 and 2002 World Cups, as well as leading Cameroon to Olympic gold and victories in the 2000 and 2002 African Nations Cups.
In 2000, he was named African Footballer of the Year for his efforts.
Arsenal and Ghana midfielder Thomas Partey announced his conversion to Islam in March.
Legendary Netherlands midfielder Clarence Seedorf, had recently converted to Islam, announcing his decision on Instagram.
Who cares, religion of peace indeed
You are a retard
I’m sure u learned this rudeness and anger from ur father or ur imam. Worthless product of sambisa forest
You are not different from “them”
Hmmmmmmmmm complete sports una dey try congratulations
Who gives a shit, religion of bigots, hypocrites of the highest order. Will that ring back the innocent lives they have taken because of the hatred built in there hearts
These Christians will never hide their bigoted disdain for Islaam.
I tell you one thing,die your rage for all we care!
They saw life beyond football.
More to come.
If you in your drunken stupor think Islaam is BH ,it means you guys agree on the same ideology why majority of Muslims don’t
Like i said and i repeat, you are all bunch of hypocrites. Please don’t come here if you don’t have something sensible to say. You kill for fun and come here and talk about your religion being about peace. I can tell you for a fact you all are fake and pretenders. because of one prophet that is human like us, you all will kill for his sorry ass. Just like someone stated, you guys need to get out Nigeria and form your own country
You are all killers,pretending to be peaceful.
Even as a Muslim, I believe it’s very insensitive and wrong timing for CSN to be reporting such a news especially considering recent happenings in our dear beloved country.
It’s even more unnecessary TODAY if we consider the unfortunate BOMB blast that claimed scores of lives in Kano in addition to school children that were kidnapped in the confusion that followed
Where is Mumuni Also?
What’s happened to our beloved CSN???
Cry, the beloved country!
@Mahmud Shauib,if you think because you what to curry favour from the non Muslims to make you sound “good” just watch it in no time, they will come down heavy on you.
Don’t be such a cheap a sell out.
Even this news gets to prove Islaam .far removed from any acts of criminality or terrorism associated with it.
If Islaam even advotes violence, how come this persons are embracing Islaam despite its “violent ” teachings.
Don’t you see how some of you have been so lame.
I am a Muslim, I am proud one at that and whoever so not comfortable with it can go to hell!
Young man, I am not your age mate, neither am I your classmate. At 52 and a multiple pilgrim to the HOLY LAND as well as being a sound student of Islam and devout worshipper of ALLAH, I sure and definitely know one or two things more than you know.
People like you are why the religion keeps getting battered from left, right and centre
Is it that you are suffering from comprehension or that you are a victim of half baked Islamic fundamentalists???
I spoke of timing and sensitivity and you are here spewing balderdash!
People like you easily gets radicalize and cast us in bad lights.
Next time try and pick your age mates before you respond to comments that are too high for your intellectual comprehension and understanding.
If you don’t watch your tongue, it’s actually you who will end up in hell like the young MUTALLAB, OSAMA BIN LADEN, AHMED SHEKAU and MUHAMMED YUSUF of this world!
This is how radicalism and extremism begin!
Be careful so you can live long in peace.
God bless @UNIQUE for that honest appraisal of the personality of OMO9JA. That’s how and what a good man should be regardless of his religious inclinations.
Now juxtapose such a mild, meek man with this KHALLIL who’s obviously a fanatic, a BOKO HARAM apologist. People like that give us bad name.
CSN, you did this on purpose but this is not the time you should do this.
We all sad about what happened in Northern Nigeria few days ago and you posted this? Too bad.
We Muslims all over Nigeria are not happy about the news because that is not what Islam teaches us.
This is what happens when we don’t vote for the right person as Nigerian president and 2023 is coming and if Nigerians fails to vote in the right person then no
However, those of you that think Islam is a bad religion, you better have a rethink.
Islam mean “peace”.
Islam teaches us morality, equality and is the only religion that accepted all the Prophets because they were serving one God. Peace be on them all.
More so, Islam also tells us the life after death. The only religion that proves this on earth.
Islam teaches us what to expect in the grave and the five questions the two angels will ask you when you in the grave. The only religion that proves this is Islam.
Am I communicating?
Islam teaches us how to behave in a public place, among ourselves and beyond.
Islam doesn’t allow killing and if you kill one person, is like you kill the entire world. Killing is not allowed in Islam.
There are bad people among all Tribes and religions in Nigeria but that doesn’t mean Nigerians are bad people.
Even Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, did not teach anyone to kill another person. That is abomination.
I just want to clarify this points
to you people that said religion of bigots,
“hypocrites of the highest order
Who cares, religion of peace indeed” and so on.
If you are still in doubt about Islam, do your research about Isalm also keep studying English Quran, so that you can see the clear picture of Islam and how beautiful it is.
Islam mean peace and this is why Allah said in “Quran 109” and I quote,
“Lakum dinukum waliyedin”,
“For you is your religion, and for me is my religion”. Shikena.
That is the definition of peace.
The most important thing is, how preferred are you? Because one day you will meet your God and whatever you do in life, you will account for it.
Please and please my people, let’s use love among ourselves whenever we are.
Don’t disrespect my religion and I will not disrespect your religion. Peace. God bless us all. God bless Nigeria!!!
We don hear you Mr religion of peace. Try to watch this video link and tell me, if truly Islam is a religion of peace.
Knowledge is power @Unique.
Clarification. Islam mean peace.
God bless Nigeria!!!
@Unique,it is not eh…
Now, go back that hole you crawled out from.
The people converting to Islaam are well exposed beyond your three line comments on CSN.
Clarence Seedorf,Thomas Party,Patrick Mboma now Abduol have seen it all .
They know what life is and in your little fiefdom you think you can reason better than they do?
What thing have you achieved to gain global recognition?
Nada….yet na una mouth loud pass.
Una go cry taya.
@Khalil go and Tell that to Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu’s family I am sure they will appreciate the rubbish you are talking!! Smh!!!!
@Khalil Oga channel your energy to do better things in life. Na weytin ur scholar talk sey even Muhammad himself give order to kill the man wey talk bad about him when hin dey alive, with Quran facts, so comrade carry your vawulence go somewhere else lol.
Thomas hasn’t admitted it himself. It was just a rumour. Between what the northern Nigeria practice is extremism not Islam. The true practicers of Islam are not in that part of the country
Knowledge is power @Unique
God bless Nigeria!!!
@Omo9ja, Yoruba saying says “Empty barrels make noise”. If you are a good person, you don’t need to tell me you are good because it will reflect in your behavior, characters and attitude. My brother you have been ditched and insulted many times on this platform, but I have never seen you use abusive or derogatory words to express your opinion on this platform, so without knowing you face to face, I can say you are a very tolerance person. No religion in the world claim to be a religion of peace exept Islam, but unfortunately it’s other way round, tell me why? Whenever I asked this kind of questions they will says “they are bad eggs and ignorants giving Islam a bad name”! And why do you have bad eggs and ignorants more than other religions? They rather keep silent or give excuses. So therefore, In my opinion Muslims don’t need self appraisal any because the extremist and fanatics have outnumbered the good ones, the Islam of 90’s is the only true religion of peace. I am not a bigot nor fanatics but it’s obvious to the world, the religion that practice peace. I am really fed up of religion chaos going on all over the world. My brother religion is doing us more harms than good? I think without Christianity or Islam the world have be a better place!
CSN, you did this on purpose but this is not the time you should do this.
We all sad about what happened in Northern Nigeria few days ago and you posted this? Too bad.
We Muslims all over Nigeria are not happy about the news because that is not what Islam teaches us.
This is what happens when we don’t vote for the right person as Nigerian president and 2023 is coming and if Nigerians fails to vote in the right person then there’s no hope.
However, those of you that think Islam is a bad religion, you better have a rethink.
Islam mean “peace”.
Islam teaches us morality, equality and is the only religion that accepted all the Prophets because they were serving one God. Peace be on them all.
More so, Islam also tells us the life after death. The only religion that proves this on earth.
Islam teaches us what to expect in the grave and the five questions the two angels will ask you when you in the grave. The only religion that proves this is Islam.
Am I communicating?
Islam teaches us how to behave in a public place, among ourselves and beyond.
Islam doesn’t allow killing and if you kill one person, is like you kill the entire world. Killing is not allowed in Islam.
There are bad people among all Tribes and religions in Nigeria but that doesn’t mean Nigerians are bad people.
Even Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, did not teach anyone to kill another person. That is abomination.
I just want to clarify this points
to you people that said religion of bigots,
“hypocrites of the highest order
Who cares, religion of peace indeed” and so on.
If you are still in doubt about Islam, do your research about Isalm also keep studying English Quran, so that you can see the clear picture of Islam and how beautiful it is.
Islam mean peace and this is why Allah said in “Quran 109” and I quote,
“Lakum dinukum waliyedin”,
“For you is your religion, and for me is my religion”. Shikena.
That is the definition of peace.
The most important thing is, how preferred are you? Because one day you will meet your God and whatever you do in life, you will account for it.
Please and please my people, let’s use love among ourselves whenever we are.
Don’t disrespect my religion and I will not disrespect your religion. Peace. God bless us all. God bless Nigeria!!!
They will say I am a Biggot if I comment but truth be told… It is embarassing to be sharing this country with Fulani’s and Hausa,, If they are not shedding blood they are destroying our football with Quota system politics and our organisational structures in this country what is there really good to be said about Northerners in this moment, let us be honest with ourselves Nigeria need to do away with Sharia Law. Simple as that. Religion of peace in that case then I am Superman!